Who am I?
Who the fuck is this, writing random shit on
the internet that nobody is gonna
even see or
give a fuck about?
This would actually be a valid question.
I am a nobody that no one would recognize
or have any reason to as well since we don't
know each other and im not famous.
I suppose an introduction is in order,
First off,
Fuck You!!!
You don't need to know anything about me
beyond what I want to share with you
or are able to dig up online thru a google search.
I'm already a bit of a paranoid schizo so I don't by habit,
like to put info out there like that.
Plus, writing online has a certain feeling of freedom
to it due to the anonymity of no one knowing who you are.
Once your known, and get a little fame,
i feel you trade some of your free-ness and
start to loose what drove you to begin with.
So, for now, let's keep the who I am
thing on a back burner and instead,
will introduce you to not who i am
but what I am made of and how I got as I am.
Once, you know about the important bits of me,
then maybe I will share who I am based on'
what the world knows me as.
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