

They mostly vary from person to person.
They are formed within the mind of an individual, 
based on the experiences they go through in life as well as what they are taught by those trusted to instruct them.
 Though some may be unique in a person, there are common,  basic values most humans
share in holding, such as, killing without a reasonable cause to do so.
         If you asked the average person this question, 
  is it morally ok for a person to kill someone or some thing without having a justifiable reason for doing so?
 i'm willing to bet that the majority of those you ask 
will respond with something along the lines of, "murder is wrong." 
is just one example of a value which is 
fairly common for people everywhere to share. 
        and i'm also willing to bet that there is a portion of those who say it is wrong,
 to your face, but only to save them from looking crazy, and that deep down they really believe its ok to go out and kill people. Some may even do it, who knows?
 What I am musing on is what makes us adopt certain values in our lives.
   i guess the influances encountered have a big pull on how we, ourselves, think, act,
and believe.
   I like to base my values on common sense and reason, like when I was younger, I had some irrational values and some that I valued for wrong reasons.
          Now that i'm older, I self-examine often and my values are often thought about and
dissected. In truth, our values are instilled with us in our youth by influences. 
those are not your true natures values, or what you innately believe.
  The values you know and hold as your own are really ones that someone else has passed on to you. 


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